Terel Overton is a formerly incarcerated individual who served 22 and a half years. During his incarceration, he gained literacy skills and passed his GED. He is now pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree at Hudson Link through Mercy University. Released in 2024, he immediately began working as a youth advocate, violence interrupter, and campaigner for criminal justice reform. Terel, co-founder of The Pillars of Promise, continues to work as a fervent champion to help pass the Second Look Act proposed by Senators Julia Salazar and Latrice Walker, while also challenging the erroneous conviction for which he spent so many years incarcerated.

Resilient: never giving up when obstacles are placed in my path.

Loyalty: is an action shown, not a word spoken, I am loyal.

Advocate: selflessly working toward what can benefit people and change circumstances.

Integrity: doing the right thing even when there’s no one watching.

Motivated: every day, every moment, and every second presents time to learn and do something different.

“My goal is to change the perceptions of our communities, both “inside and out.” To maintain a positive outlook on life and fight like hell for those who are not being heard.”